About the board the advisory council the trustee technical support non-profit
The board

Dr. Sylvia Pallas
Dr. med. Sylvia Pallas, the founder, is a graduate ophthalmologist and former businesswoman. As a doctor, she has gained from her own practicing the conviction that long-term health without an inner framework cannot be achieved and maintained. Buddhism is a way to convey this inner framework through learning and experience.

Käthi Pavoni
Käthi Pavoni is another member of the board. She seriously started Buddhist meditation in 2003 and has done meditation retreats with various highly respected teachers in the Theravada tradition, such as Carole Wilson, Ajahn Amaro, Ajahn Sucitto, Jack Kornfield, David Goldstein, Patricia Genoud-Feldman, Sayadaw U Janaka. . She is especially thankful to Ven. Bhante Vimalaramsi Mahathera, Ven. Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo and his student Phra Ofer Adi. Co-founding of this foundation is her way for showing gratitude.
advisory council

Nelly Graf
Nelly Graf has a degree in electrical engineering and is a specialist in work promotion and rehabilitation. She came into contact with the Dhamma in her childhood. Since her Vipassana meditation basic course in Germany in 2001, she has supported Vipassana meditation teachers and buddhist nuns and monks.
The trustee

Dr. Rainer Burkhardt
The Board of Trustees is Dr. iur. Rainer Burkhardt, a practicing lawyer for tax and foundation law.
Technical Support

Jens Hartmann
Jens Hartmann is our IT specialist.

The Sati Foundation was recognized as lawful by the Regional Ministry of Freiburg and as non-profit by the tax and revenue office of Waldshut/Tiengen. The Tax Number is: 20001/67728.
The Sati Foundation exclusively and directly pursues charitable, non-profit purposes. In the interest of the common good, donations to the Sati Foundation are generally tax-deductible. Inherited assets contributed to the Sati Foundation are exempt from inheritance tax.
The Sati Foundation is run and managed by the founders exclusively on an honorary basis.