Project: ordination gift
place: nunnery Aneñja Vihara

In Germany, in the nunnery Anenja Vihara, two ordinations are imminent. On 19 December 2019, Anagarika Vinita will be ordained as Samaneri and Claudia as Anagarika. To celebrate this auspious occasion with them we would like to donate a present. It has come to our ears that they would be delighted to have this peaceful Buddha statue, to be seen see in the picture, in the monastery garden. The Sati Foundation would like to give all those who attend the ordination and those who would like to give a present the opportunity to participate in this donation. To enable as many people as possible to participate in this meritorious Dana, we can not accept donations over 50 Euro for this purpose.
Project: heating system for Aneñja Vihara
place: bavaria, germany

In Germany, the monastery Aneñja Vihāra offers safe accommodation for bhikkhunis, novices and lay people. It is located in the Upper Allgäu, the southernmost scenic region in Germany surrounded by the Alps, at an altitude of 800 m. Snow-covered winter landscapes are no exception in this region.
This January, after weeks of persistent and extreme heavy snow fall the already outdated heating system broke completely down. The monastic community, thanks to two tiled stoves and three borrowed construction site heaters, managed to keep the house warm enough for no further damage to occur. Water and heating pipes often happen to break at minus temperatures!
Swift action is needed. A brand new heating system needs to be installed urgently totaling in a substantial amount to be paid by the supporting association of Aneñja Vihāra. Thus, the Sati Foundation would like to assist with raising funds and giving you the opportunity to participate, so that the nuns and practitioners will soon be warm again.
The monastic community and the supporting association are very grateful for any support.
Thanks to many kind supporters, the Sati Foundation contributed Euro 7840 to the cost of the heating system.