Project: Bhikkhuni Ordination

Place: USA

Sati Stiftung, Stiftung für Achtsamkeit

IBAN: DE68 5204 0021 0311 4477 00

It has been over 2 years since Anuvidita received the Samaneri ordination. Now the time has come for her to receive full ordination. Unfortunately, in Germany and even in Europe, there is no opportunity for a nun in the Theravada tradition to be ordained as a Bhikkhunī. There is still a lack of the necessary nuns to perform an ordination traditionally. For this reason, her teacher, Ayya Phalañāņī Bhikkhunī, is sending her to the United States to receive full ordination. The trip is scheduled for early July and the Sati Foundation is happy to support Samaneri Anuvidita and sponsor the cost of ordination as well as travel expenses. We are happy to give you the opportunity to participate in this wholesome cause.

purpose: bhikkhuni ordination

Update August 2021

Anuvidita has now arrived at Ayya Tathaloka at Aranya Bodhi Hermitage in California.

Update September 2021

The date and time have now been set: on Sunday evening 19 September, from 10 pm Central European Time, one Anagarika will be ordained as a Samaneri and four Samaneris as Bhikkhuni in California. Bhikkhuni ordinations will also take place in Australia and Sri Lanka. Use the links to register to participate in this night of world-spanning bhikkhuni ordinations:
Auch auf Youtube wird der Anlass übertragen:

Update 2021

Bhikkhuni Anuvidita!

Project: ‚Nibbana – Der vollkommene Friede‘

To start the authors would like to publish 20-40 copies, divided into 2 volumes of 500 pages each. More details on how to order the books it will be announced on this website later on.

Sati Stiftung, Stiftung für Achtsamkeit

IBAN: DE68 5204 0021 0311 4477 00

purpose referral: book project ‚Nibbana‘

"If appeasement of desires is what is really blissful, 'desirelessness' as the appeasement of all desires would be the Supreme Bliss, and this in fact is what Nibbāna is."

For the first time, a German translation of “33 Nibbana Sermons – The Mind Stilled” by Bhikkhu Katukurunde Nyanananda (1940–2019) was published under the title “Nibbana – The Perfect Peace”. It was translated with great care by Hedwig Kren and Susann Poppenberg. The original 33 lectures, the basis of this book, were given by Bhikkhu Nyanananda from 1988 to 1991 to a congregation of monks who lived with him in the monastery.

Unfortunately, the book, containing almost 1,000 pages, is not yet available as a printed version. It is the express wish of Venerable Bhikkhu Kaṭukurunde Ñāṇananda that all of his Dhamma books be made available completely free of charge to those who long for the teachings of the Buddha. The Sati Foundation is entirely committed to this and would like to help to make the text available in a book version to those interested. Thus this project was born.

Nibbana – Der vollkommene Friede” is a demanding text that is very enriching and clarifying when read carefully. Bhikkhu Nyanananda, known for both his philosophical understanding, extensive knowledge of discourses and commentaries, and deep meditation practice, explains the topic of nibbana to clarify questions and doubts of the advanced practicing monks. He doesn’t do this in a dry, purely academic way, rather a practical, comprehensible perspective is adopted, supported by numerous and realistic examples and parables.

Nibbana is considered a difficult subject because it eludes direct description through language. Hence it is sometimes viewed as a distant, unattainable ideal not much to be said about. Yet this is contradicted by teachers like Venerable Nyanananda and Venerable Analayo. Then they say Nibbana can be experienced in this life – even in this moment.

Update may 2021

The books are in print! If you are interested in the printed translations, please contact the Sati Foundation by email. Please include your shipping address in the email.

Update August 2021

With the help of Beyerlein Verlag, the Nibbana books are now printed and available free of charge from Beyerlein Verlag. This means we can complete the project, as donations for a reprint are already available.
The authors and Sati Foundation would like to thank the generous donors who made the project possible, and especially Remo Beyerlein for his support and commitment to this project.

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