Project: ‚The Bhikkhuni Patimokkha‘
“The Bhikkhuni Patimokkha” is an introduction to the rules of the nuns’ order, which is intended as a small introduction help for monastic helpers, anagarikas and nuns at the beginning of their monastic training. After a brief general introduction to the Vinaya, the collection of the rules of the order, each of the 311 rules is presented with an illustration, the text in Pali and English, as well as a brief explanation.
The PDF version of the book has already been used in several Vinaya seminars and has received a lot of positive feedback. Since the nuns’ sangha is growing in Germany, new monasteries are being built and monastery helpers and candidates will be trained every year, this book could be of great help.
Sati Stiftung, Stiftung für Achtsamkeit
IBAN: DE68 5204 0021 0311 4477 00
Purpose: Bhikkhuni Patimokkha
Update Januar 2025
The feedback on this book has been very positive. More copies are being reprinted.
Project: Wassermond Monastery
Location: Brandenburg, nearby Guben
The monastery is located secluded in a forest by a lake and offers nuns the opportunity to live and practice as a community. On the monastery grounds there are old buildings in need of renovation, which are gradually being converted and made usable depending on financial resources. In addition, donations are needed for the maintenance of the nuns, especially for medical costs, i.e. health insurance.
Zweck: Kloster Wassermond
Sati Stiftung, Stiftung für Achtsamkeit
IBAN: DE68 5204 0021 0311 4477 00
The Watermoon Chan Monastery opened in 2022 and is led by the Venerable Shifu Simplicity Bhikshuni. The Theravadan nun Ayya Vimalanyani lives in the monastery.
Shifu Simplicity has been a nun for over 25 years and spent many years at Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Taiwan before returning to Germany in 2018 to build a monastery here.
Ayya Vimalanyani Bhikkhuni has been ordained for about 10 years and has lived most of the time as a wandering nun in many different monasteries around the globe before returning to Germany in 2021.
The Watermoon Chan Monastery opened in 2022 and is led by the Venerable Shifu Simplicity Bhikshuni. The Theravadan nun Ayya Vimalanyani lives in the monastery.
Shifu Simplicity has been a nun for over 25 years and spent many years at Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Taiwan before returning to Germany in 2018 to build a monastery here.
Ayya Vimalanyani Bhikkhuni has been ordained for about 10 years and has lived most of the time as a wandering nun in many different monasteries around the globe before returning to Germany in 2021.
The monastery is located secluded in a forest by a lake and offers nuns the opportunity to live and practice as a community. On the monastery grounds there are old buildings in need of renovation, which are gradually being converted and made usable depending on financial resources. In addition, donations are needed for the maintenance of the nuns, especially for medical costs, i.e. health insurance.
Sati Stiftung, Stiftung für Achtsamkeit
IBAN: DE68 5204 0021 0311 4477 00
Purpose: Wassermond Monastery
Project: venerable Bhikkhuni Silavaddhani
place: brandenburg/Spree-Neiße, germany

Venerable Bhikkhuni Silavaddhani ordained as aspirant (Maechee) with Most Venerable Phra Ajarn Tong Sirimangalo as preceptor at the beginning of 2010.In June 2012 followed the ordination as novice (Samaneri) in Sri Lanka. With the permission and support of her teachers and preceptors she received the Higher Ordination as Bhikkhuni in January 2019. In October 2014 she was appointed as a meditation teacher by Most Venerable Phra Ajarn Tong Sirimangalo.
Currently she lives and directs the Dhammanikhom Vipassana Meditation Center. The Dhammanikhom is a place where Buddhist teachings and Vipassana meditation (insight or mindfulness meditation) are taught. All people who are interested to live and practice the Dhamma are welcome. Furthermore it is a partially a monastic establishment where nuns or postulants can practice Vipassanā meditation and tread the monastic Path according to monastic rules.
All arising costs are covered solely by voluntary donations. According to the Buddhist tradition the participation in the courses is free of charge.
Project: monastic medical support
Place: nunnery Aneñja Vihara
Ayya Phalañāņī Bhikkhunī and her 5 novices, Sāmanerī Anuviditā, Sāmanerī Vinītā, Sāmanerī Rakkhītā, Sāmanerī Saccikā, Sāmanerī Jutindharā, live in the Buddhist nunnery Aneñja Vihara. Like all of us, they have to have health insurance. At times medical assistance that is not covered by insurance is needed. Medical care is one of four requirements that the Buddha allowed as a necessity for nuns and monks. The cost of medical care and health insurance is an ongoing expense and we welcome your support for the monastic medical fund.
Sati Stiftung, Stiftung für Achtsamkeit
IBAN: DE68 5204 0021 0311 4477 00
purpose: monastic medical support
Project: maintenance Aneñja Vihara
place: Bavaria, germany

purpose: maintenance Aneñja Vihara
The nunnery Aneñja Vihara is entirely dependent on donations for the running costs and for the maintenance of the monastery buildings. The buildings are quite old and major repairs are not the exception. The nuns are very hands on and try to maintain the monastery as best as they can. They don‘t shy away from repair work and fix whatever they can, but major restoration and maintenance work, such as roof repairs, excavations, and construction work, must be done by professionals.
Sati Stiftung, Stiftung für Achtsamkeit
IBAN: DE68 5204 0021 0311 4477 00